3 Advantages of Working With a Buyers Agent – What to Know

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With the rise of technology and the advent of social media, almost any business or service can be operated online today. E-commerce has become the norm, slowly pushing away the need for traditional intermediaries by placing sellers directly in the way of buyers. Numerous platforms have been established for almost any need—clothing, groceries, vehicles, and even real estate.

This trend has given real estate buyers access to a wider range of information, lowering the need for sales agents. Many have found e-commerce platforms as an easy way to find properties that they want while effectively cutting out the middle person to save up on paying up their commission. In theory, this is a great way to speed up the sales process and save some money, however, in practice, many more factors come into play.

In this article, we’ll share with you the growing number of reasons for engaging a buyer’s agent in today’s world:


1. Bigger Market

Unless you’ve worked as a buyer’s agent or have been in real estate previously, chances are that you’ll keep missing out on many buying opportunities. Although the internet provides a great and easy way to navigate the real estate market, there is still a wealth of opportunities not found within it.

Buyers’ agents, in particular, use their contacts to have access to “off-market” opportunities, silent sales, or properties that are yet to go public in the market. By taking advantage of a buyer’s agent’s connections, not only will you have a stake in a wider, less congested market, but you may also have the first option to buy certain properties.


2. Saving Money

The main argument for not working with a buyer’s agent is to save money on the buyer’s agent’s fees. However, in doing so, you might actually be losing more money in the process! Buyers’ agents are professional negotiators and with their knowledge of the real estate market and its trends are experts in knowing how to find the most suitable properties for your brief and in securing your chosen property at the lowest possible price. Often, buyers’ agents will even negotiate for a price that more than covers the cost of their fees putting you substantially in front.

3. Saving Time and Minimising Stress

One of the biggest reasons to use a buyer’s agent is to save time and reduce stress. While it is easy to search for properties online, it takes lots of time to sift through all possibilities in looking for the best option for you. Having to meet with the selling agents and inspect the properties you have shortlisted can be very time consuming.

Buyers’ agents not only search for properties to buy, but they also act as your agents, meaning that they go beyond merely searching to simplifying the whole buying process for you. They will give you the best advice, take care of the messy paperwork, and ensure that you are making the best purchase and investment decisions. All of these tasks suddenly become stress-free with a buyer’s agent thinking of all the details in advance on your behalf.



While buying your own property without the help of a buyer’s agent may seem to save you some money at first, the truth is that the process will be more difficult without a buyer’s agent. Not only will you save your time and your sanity, but a good buyer’s agent can give you the best deal possible.

If you’re not convinced, get in touch with us today and talk to some of the most seasoned buyers’ agents in Sydney to see how best we can help fulfil your buying needs!

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